Time and space saving

Demeter : a cracker for all-round agronomical work
The Demeter is a twin-beam fixed cracker. It is fitted with the unique Actisol tooth with independent double spring safety and a tandem roller combination. The mixteur roller promotes the straw’s integration into the soil or prepares the seedbed according to its depth adjustment. The second roller manages and presses down the soil.
The Demeter is suitable for all tractor powers with its dimensions ranging from 2.50 to 4.20 m. It is the ally of mixed farming, livestock, and market garden farmers. Designed for mechanical weeding and cracking, it allows you to benefit from the agronomic work provided by the Actisol tooth.

New on the Demeter : Roller arms for easier transport
The Demeter folds in half! Actisol has developed a folding roller arm system to facilitate handling during transport and to save storage space.
The original fixed roller arms had to be detached from the frame and slid in front of the teeth when delivered by articulated lorry. This was intended to reduce the length of the assembly (see 1). This operation took between 15 and 30 minutes of handling for each piece of machinery.
To save time and energy for customers receiving Demeters, Actisol therefore developed a folding roller arm system. These arms do not need to be dismantled and reassembled during shipping and delivery (see 2). The rollers just need to be lowered to the working position. The Demeter’s original design was retained without impacting its production.
This improvement means that the Demeter can now be transported using a different transport method. The Demeter can now be loaded onto a trailer for removal on a small flatbed (see 3).