Savings and agronomy

Stell'Air: the multi-option star mulcher
Tillage machinery comprising discs fitted with twisted blades, the Stell’Air is suitable for herbicide-free tillage trajectories. It carries out shallow work, moving the soil vertically by micro jets at between 7 and 12 kph to create a stale seedbed while cleaning the previous one without forming a plough pan. The soil breathes, and the biological and microbial life it contains is preserved.
Since 2022, the Stell’Air can be fitted with various options for even more versatility:
- A 70-litre seed hopper for plant cover (with platform and access ladder)
- Rigid straight safety tines for the most demanding soils
- Modul’airs to work as close as possible to the vines

New: One Stell’Air for two widths of vine rows
Actisol has developed a Stell’Air fitted with four folding extensions. This brand new system allows you to work two different row widths with the same piece of machinery.
Two extensions, located on each side of the tool at the end of the beam, lower and raise mechanically, as needed. For added safety, they feature a secure locking system in the raised position. These additional stars have exactly the same technical features as the stars on the frame:
- Flat-sided shock absorbers to comfortable follow the ground contour.
- Mounting on independent hubs to prevent clogging
With its extensions in the high position, the machinery can work in vine rows spaced 2.50 metres apart. When its four extensions are lowered, work can be carried out in vine rows spaced 3 metres apart.
This new feature is available as an option making the vineyard Stell’Air one of the most versatile pieces of machinery in the Actisol range.